Sunday, July 15, 2007

last but not least.

Welp.. It is the end of a Sunday here, and I fly out Thursday...
Now it is a 4 day event.. We are in Bahrain, and life is good.. We are staying in another hotel tonite and then will be out on a ship for a few days, returning on wednesday for one last show, and thursday we pack up and check out..
Today we took our last C-130 flight, and let me tell you..IT SUCKED.. We were placed on a C-130 headed for Djabuti, by way of Bahrain and Qatar.. I became apparent that the only reason the plane stopped in Kuwait was for us.. especially when all the Navy Men..(sea-men) hahaha.. were pissed at us because of the stop.
Well the Air Conditioner was Broken and on this flight there were about 40 of us.. The woman next to me fell asleep and then leaned on my arm.. with about all of her body weight.. And the guy behind me was pushing through his seat..
But now I have taken a nap and feel great..
Not much to report today, but all is well in the land of Hairdryers, Showers, and Plastic Bags..
Love you all, See you soon


Anonymous said...

still sounds a lot like Southwest---uh huh . . .

Anonymous said...

M i s e r a b l e