Friday, June 29, 2007

Beihlring (Kuwait)

Today was hot.. 129 degrees to be precise.. But either I am getting use to it, or after about 105 it all seems the same.. I am not sure, but it just didn't seem all that hot to me.. but the Dang sand blowing around is driving me nuts.. It is that fine sand that.... ugh.. just blows in your face, gets in your hair, screws with your contacts..
After another wonderful breakfast at the hotel.. They have this smoked salmon.. oh.. it is a very enjoyable that smoked salmon.... mmmmm... salmon... We left for the base, today was Camp Beihlring.. It is named after a soldier that got killed in 2003 in a hospital in Iraq.. To get from our hotel to this base we had to take a road familiar from the first gulf war.. The Death Mile it is called.. Ray, one of our security MP's, was a Marine during this time and had some amazing stories. All that is left of the first gulf war are the burnt carcasas of cars, hum-vees, etc.. At this base, Camp Beihlring, they are the final training facility for 95% of the troops before going into Iraq. Crazy eh?

When we got there we met the on base care person..(the mom of the camp.) Her name is Big Mama.. Now I don't really need to say much more.. because the stereo-typical person you probally get in your head when I say her name is "Big Mama" is probably correct.. Such a nice lady.. who just tells it like it is..child..

Well.. Set up went really smooth no big issues or fires to put out.. (knock on wood.)

OOOOHHHH I got a picture with a camel!! If I could upload pictures from my camera I would.. I have taken quite a few.. (ADD moment.)

Tonite the show went well, except the lead singer had a battle with heat stroke/Dehydration, and lost.. after the show got over he had to get an IV.. It is so hot here..Crazy eh??

Welp time to go to bed.. Tomorrow we travel via C-130 to our next location.. Military Transport... woo hoo.. when do I get to shoot a gun..!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Alafror (Kuwait)

Well I guess I should start with breakfast.. It was SO GOOD.. I think I have forgotten just how good food is outside the U.S.A. We ate in the hotel, 5 star suites we are staying in. Fresh Sqeezed Juice and a buffet spread that would make Tucano's seem like nothing.. Then we were off to the base.. (lunch and dinner... not as good as breakfast, still pretty ok though.) We met with the head honcho of the base Alarfar (or something like that.) Talked with him for a bit about the runnings of this base, and the he presented us with a certificate of service and a gift..

Well... now comes time for set up.. I want you all to take a break from reading this go into your bathroom and grab your hair dryer.... I'll wait... .... .... .... .... ok.. plug it in.. hold it about 7 inches away from your face aimed at you...Turn it on hi.. sit for about five minutes this way... again... I will wait...... This is what it feels like here.. You get kind of numb to the heat, untill you enter a Air Conditioned Room.. Then your body releases all the sweat it has appearantly been hanging on to.. And you realize just how hot you have been... It really isn't that bad when you just stay outside.. (can't imagine what the rest of the day would feel like though..)

This has been a great experience already.. I have learned a lot about why it costs so much to be over here in this "war", that we really should be here, and that the troups feel that way too.. That is why they are here..

My job is so cool.

Oh yeah.. the system I am running is a bit underpowered..(I hate that) but it is functional. I can make it sound good..

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Welp.. In Kuwait Finally..

It is midnight on wednesday and we just checked into the hotel.. It's 100 degrees. no joke...
For those who are worried.. we are guarded well.. (6 suburban caravan... think the president)
So I guess there isn't much to write about the flight... my flight to Amsterdam was freezing.. (literally) I could see my breath.. But got me here safe.. It is kind of funny.. I had visions of them having to shew the camels off of the runway so that we could land and then pulling up to a tent labeled bagage claim... Not the case..
flying over Kuwait you would recognize it as any normal american city.. Lights Cars.. no Camels..
We are staying in a really nice hotel, with great Air Conditioning..
All my bags got here...
That is about all there is to say..
Love you all..

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Here I go..

Well.. I guess it is fitting for me to add a musical referance as I write this blog.. So here it goes.. I want you to turn on Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones.. That is the song my inner DJ is spinning for the time being.

I am really nervous... But sooo excited to go.. I can't seem to gather the words I want to say so I guess I will for the record write down how I got the oppertunity to go and bring entertainment to the troops that are protecting the freedoms that I enjoy.

About 2 months ago I ran sound for a band based out of Atlanta.. "Five Star Iris" It was a fun gig, fun guys, good music.. I love my job. Well after the gig they said they felt really comfortable on stage with the sound and asked me how I felt about doing my job in a place where I would have to be fit for a flack jacket and a helmet to be flown in.. here is the dialogue from that point as far as I remember it.. "..... huh... hmmm... well... sure......"
In the past few years I have seen quite a few proposals for gigs and such.. many of them fall through.. I thought that this one would as well..
two weeks go by. and I get a call from Garrett... (the band manager) And gives me a quote, talks to me about where we'd be going and I say... Lemme think about it for a day..

Well here I am.. about to leave for the Airport.. I have my Dog watchers in place..(sadi is my dog.)(sydney, dana, and bob are taking shifts.) I have had a plethora of shots and am immune to just about everything, totally packed, And I am scared... mainly because at about 96 degrees I begin to feel like a stick of butter in a hot frying pan... (120 degrees is normal for over there this time of year..) But also it is an adventure that not many people get to experience without holding a gun.. me I am holding mics..
So, raise the curtains.. here I go..

Monday, June 25, 2007

Getting Ready..

Welp. It's Monday and I am getting ready to go.. As my Grandpa Kuhni would say.."I am as nervous as a whore in church with a bastard on each knee." I don't think I have been this nervous since the day I stood in Boston and realized that I was alone in one big city, and that it was time to make change.. Well I think I am at that crossroad again in ways.. I am not alone, I am not needing to make much change, but I am going to have to adapt to a different life style temporally a life style where I have to think about my personal safety before I walk out of the shower..
I took the anti-terrorist test a few weeks ago, it was more about how to identify your surroundings when you are more apt to be a target, and well...It's decided.. I am a sitting duck.. I may as well wear a target..  Things like walk around your car before getting in, search it, but don't touch while you search..
Woah.. It's a lot to think about.. 
Welp.. It is time to go get some light weight fabric clothes that I don't mind killing because it is way too hot over there.. gotta remember to drink lots of water..
love you all.